In ExactTarget, by default, the local time may not be set to your local time. For me it was set to CMT. Although you still have the ability to select the correct time zone before you send an email, this can be confusing in reporting.
In Automation Studio, the progress will state the Completed time in the wrong time zone. In the Email tab, under Sends, it will show a SENT ON time in the wrong time zone.
I live in Boston, so I can just mentally add 1 hour so it equates to EST but it can get a little annoying and potentially problematic.
In order to change your default local time, follow these steps:
In the top right, go to the drop down from your username and select “Cloud Preferences.”
Under the “User Settings” tab, click “Edit” then go to the “Time Zone” drop down and select your correct local time zone.
And, that’s it! You may need to log out and back in for the change to take effect.